Dull/Dry Skin

Dry skin can often take on a dull appearance. Caused by the skin lacking in moisture, some medical conditions can be the reason for this concern (such as Eczema and Psoriasis), however, small patches in localised areas can be symptoms that anybody can develop at any time in their life.
A common condition that can affect the face, dry skin can occur as part of the ageing process. As we get older, the body doesn’t function as well as it used to, with the ability to hydrate being one aspect that sees a negative impact. As a result, dead skin cells can start to accumulate and cause the skin to become dull in appearance.
Smoking, alcohol consumption, poor diet and a lack of regular exercise are all lifestyle choices that can also impact negatively on the hydration of the skin, and we all know the importance of drinking plenty of water each and every day. It stands to reason that if our body is dehydrated, then so is the skin.
At Mediface we can simply and easily treat dull or dry skin leaving you looking refreshed and your skin bright. You will receive a bespoke treatment plan to target your specific concerns following a detailed consultation with one of our experienced practitioners, achieving optimal skin health may be as simple as switching up your skincare routine or introducing a new regime, you may also be offered one or more of the following treatments to help treat your dry or dull skin including the Hydrafacial, Harmony XL Pro Skin Rejuvenation, Profhilo and Obagi Medical skincare, which will boost the skin’s hydration levels to produce a complexion that is glowing and radiant.
Skin consultations are complimentary at Mediface Aesthetics, and can be in-clinic appointments or via Facetime/Skype.
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The 6 step Hydrafacial is the ultimate experience for your skin. Also referred to by celebrities as the ‘Red Carpet Facial’, Hydrafacial offers a high level of cleansing and exfoliation, for a truly radiant glow. This treatment has been designed to create life-long, healthy skin and can be tailored to meet your requirements by adding peptides or other skin nourishing supplements.
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Obagi Medical Skin Care
Obagi Medical is the no. 1 skin care product on the market, recognised for delivering outstanding results for improving the skin’s health, transforming the functioning of the skin at a much deeper level.
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A treatment that aims to tighten the skin, Profhilo is designed to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, addressing conditions that develop from the process of ageing.
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Observ Skin Scan
Many skin conditions that surface in time originate from the deeper skin layers and are difficult to diagnose with the human eye.
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The 6 step Hydrafacial is the ultimate experience for your skin. Also referred to by celebrities as the ‘Red Carpet Facial’, Hydrafacial offers a high level of cleansing and exfoliation, for a truly radiant glow. This treatment has been designed to create life-long, healthy skin and can be tailored to meet your requirements by adding peptides or other skin nourishing supplements.
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Obagi Medical Skin Care
Obagi Medical is the no. 1 skin care product on the market, recognised for delivering outstanding results for improving the skin’s health, transforming the functioning of the skin at a much deeper level.
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A treatment that aims to tighten the skin, Profhilo is designed to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, addressing conditions that develop from the process of ageing.
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Observ Skin Scan
Many skin conditions that surface in time originate from the deeper skin layers and are difficult to diagnose with the human eye.
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